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Info about the Eighth Judicial District Court.

Today, District Court Judge Linda Marie Bell issued Administrative Order: 22-05 that outlines civil/criminal case reassignments to further foster consistency, efficiency, and fairness. Accordingly, pursuant to EDCR 1.30(b), effective March 28, 2022, the following departments will have the case assignments set out below. Civil/Criminal Division Assignments Department 2 will have an all-criminal assignment, including homicide. Department 2 will replace Department 9 on the homicide team, and the homicide cases currently being heard in Department 9 are reassigned to Department 2. Department 2 will replace Department 9 on the Outlying Track of the Criminal Case Flow Model. All civil cases currently being heard by Department 2 will be reassigned to Department 9. Department 2 will continue to preside over MAT Re-Entry Court. Department 9 will have a civil and criminal assignment. All homicide cases currently being heard by Department 9 will be reassigned to Department 2. Department 9 will replace Department 2 on Track 13 of the Criminal Case Flow Model. All civil cases currently being heard by Department 2 will be reassigned to Department 9. The EJDC Administration will publish the list of cases affected by the aforementioned reassignments on the EJDC website and will further publish an updated Criminal Case Flow Model. The Administrative Order shall supersede any prior administrative orders regarding these assignments.

To view the full Order 22-05

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